Majed Ibrahim Al-Aseeri, 29 years old, was born in Taif City, KSA. He was born blind due to Glaucoma. He grew up in the arms of the rich nature of Taif City. He received his elementary, preparatory and secondary education in Al-Noor Institute for Blind, in the Holy City Makka.
After graduation from Al-Noor Institute with Excellency, he moved to Jeddah City to join King AbdulAziz University, and chose to major in Arabic Language, though it wasn't exactly the field he really wished to study. He was keen to get a degree to secure his future. He wanted to study Media but couldn't join Media College. Majed graduated with honor and received the University Shield.
He describes the university saying:
"Life at the University was a new world. Joining it was a sort of inevitable transformation. It wasn't a private organization like institutes, and it wasn't one building but so many buildings, even people were different there. It was full of difficulties. Some professors were weird. It's true that they are academicians in a university but they were the weirdest people you could ever meet. However the most important reasons to overcome all this are a serious desire accompanied by determination and the friendship of real kind fellows whose help, after Allah's help, assists us to overcome all the obstacles."
Majid has worked as a teacher of Arabic Language in KSA schools of Holy Makka and Abha cities for four years until today. He joined an Academic Merge Program of Blind Students in Teif City, after which he was selected to teach Math and Science as well as Braille Abbreviations. This is his fifth year as a teacher.
Majid is highly appreciated among his family and he stands as a role model of determination, success and excellence. As for the society, Majid thinks that it has different opinions towards him; some accept him and some reject him depending on their personal views. He says in this matter:
"I think many people like this name (Majid), but on the other hand, some other people wish that this name would vanish from their life forever. Anyway, differences in opinion will never jeopardize maintaining a good relation with them."
His most remarkable achievements are the establishment of The Computer Forum in the Arab Network for People with Special Needs, and a specialized online network for the Arab Blind. According to Majed, Achievement is not: " A frame that one can wrap himself with, but rather what truly benefits people." Therefore he works hard to accomplish projects that serve and benefit people.
Majed hopes that everyone receives what he/she deserves and that peace and love rules the hearts of people. He also hopes that his most important project 'Arab Blind Net' would become a large Media Corporation. He hopes to further his studies, practice his hobbies in the media field, have a happy house full of sons and grandsons, and he hopes to have all the goodness any human soul would like to have. Above all, he wishes to bring a smile on the lips of all people, and that smile shall never disappear from his lips regardless the life sorrows and concerns. He hopes to continue thinking and setting goals, because life stops once we stop setting new goals for our life.
Majed has a lot of hobbies, such as:
- Media, journalism and radio broadcast.
- Audio soundtracks.
- Computer; he tries to educate blind in this field.
- Writing and special research in the fields of Blind and Arabic Language.
- Participating in the academic and folkloric activities of the blind.
- Writing in different fields of Literature like: criticism, essay, and emotional articles that express the feelings of our inner souls and its hope and pain.
As for technology, Majed Says:
"Technology for me is an experience that started with a lot of pain.
The more I thought about moving away, the help reaches out to me until this technology became my best friend that never gets bored of me and whenever I get bored of people I find it reaching out for me.
I take from technology and I add to it:
I gave it time, and it gave me pleasure, information, fame, friends, travel and tourism, Yes!
You can travel to wherever you wish while sitting in your house.
You talk to whoever you wish while sitting in your car.
You serve whoever you wish with one press.
No doubt life became much better.
So this is me in the World of Technology;
What do you want from it my Brother?
What do you want from it my Sister?
It's just a question.. the answer shall echo!
Yesterday is dark and mysterious, Today is bright and prosperous: You choose!"
When asked about volunteering, Majed says it's the most beautiful word in the World, because a volunteer always seeks Allah's acceptance. A volunteer hopes to achieve goals he failed to achieve in his formal work. Volunteering has the sincerest meaning of giving where one does his best to carry out the work he chose with his own free will. Volunteering is the only work one can truly feel his humanity in because he chose to do it.
On the other hand, some officials hates volunteering because they think that the volunteer wishes to take over their positions, therefore they harass him and try to send him away from their organization; they don't thank him nor support him
As for his own volunteering life, it started way long before he joined the university. He had a large participation with Ebsar Charity Association for Blind Care and Rehabilitation, Al-Motamizoon Center for People with Disabilities, (You're not Alone) Section from Disabled Children Association, Jeddah, and Nattiq Technologies Company, UAE.
Finally, Majed sends a message to every Blind:
"Don't be ashamed to ask questions because that would keep you in the pits and you will never rise up to the peaks. You should realize that respecting and admiring yourself will attract people to you. Never forget that every one of us has a predetermined destiny therefore don't feel upset over what you've lost. Make sure to enjoy what you have and remember that the sun still rises everyday."
He concluded: "Appreciate your value even when ignored by others. Respect yourself, and you shall rule the world."
To Contact Majed Al-Aseeri: majed@blindarab.net
Majed recommends you to visit the following websites: